The Three Evolutionary Stages of Masculin and Feminin roles in their relationships and mutual influences.
Feminin and Masculin:
the Three Evolutionary Stages of roles in relationships and mutual influences.
We know that in the history of Humanity, periods of female predominance, matriarchy, with others of male predominance, patriarchy, have alternated.
Although there are still cultures in which one or the other predominate, we consider the evolutionary stages of the so-called modern, western world, starting from the Middle Ages.
The First Stage was characterized by the absolute male dominance that saw women
relegated to the margins of society, ghettoized, violated in their psycho-physical integrity, poorly considered, disparaged, perceived mainly as sexual objects and subservient to the wishes of the dominant male.
In the spiritual development of collective consciousness, new truths have emerged and imposed, new paradigms that will make Humanity evolve towards the third evolutionary stage: that of the perfect joyful balance between the Feminin and the Masculin.
Namely we now know that the Beings are all Divine, without any distinction, without any characterization of gender, race, religion or anything else.
These Beings, WE, have manifested ourselves, embodied in this plane of existence to evolve in awareness and fully express our Divinity, our creativity with Love, Joy and Peace.
Being manifested as Men or Women means having taken on the task of embracing, loving, honoring, nourishing our other complementary part in order to express also on the material level the ONE that we are.
Then we can wish the Third Stage like this:
When Men protect the Feminin … it blossoms, nourish and welcomes.
When Women welcome the Masculin … it will heal, accompany and protect.
It will be so mutual support and nourishment, therefore a perfect balance between them.
When Men and Women fully express their roles … strength and passion will bloom.
When women and men safely embrace
each others in a dance … love and life will also bloom.
When Women and Men recognize mutual values, uniqueness and power … something sacred will happen that will help heal all of Humanity.
Let us now examine the Second Stage, that of the transition necessary for the desired state to manifest in all its beauty, power and harmony.
It is clear that in order to achieve it, it will be necessary for Men to compensate, rebalance and harmonize the first stage – where they have dominated unchallenged – renouncing, at least partially, their prerogatives by retreating to subordinate positions in the couple and in society, publicly acknowledging and honoring the Feminin vision of Life and Existence.
This epochal transformation will be accomplished with sweetness, lightness and full awareness. It will be a re-birth for Man, a healthy inner cleansing, a reappropriation of the authentic Masculin power, constructive and proactive.
At the same time, Women will exercise their regained power with wisdom and determination, with love and joy, aware that in the journey undertaken there will not be the reproposal of old-fashioned masculin models to the Feminin, but it will be characterized by the qualities and prerogatives of the Feminin. Women have the task of rediscovering them within themselves with the help of Women who are advanced and forerunners of true Feminin power.
New Men and Women have already been seen for some time in the Society.
May the Women’s Day be propitious for their exponential multiplication, so that the new Humanity will spread all over the Earth!
Alberto ZenKu Giacomini